
Who We Are: A wellness business, that provides wellness services and advocates for women and LGBTQ+ communities to receive diverse forms of therapeutic, spa, and mental health services.

Mission: A humanity that focuses on leisure, mental health, and restful living as a daily practice.

Note: We specialize in women and LGBTQ+ communities wellness, however, anyone is welcome to learn and relax in our space.  Who’s kind and respectful!

Founded: February 2020

About Our Services 

Wellness Services- Providing one-on-one health sessions for sleep health or stress management. Each session is a step towards restful living and more wellness. (Virtual)

Community Wisdom- Providing presentations and workshops for the community about topics on health and wellness. Safe space for LGBTQ+ communities.  

Content Creation- creating literature, articles, and social media graphics that focuses on women’s rights/ culture, LGBTQ+ rights/ culture, books, and overall wellness. 

 Online Book Club- a virtual space to read, express and celebrate women and queer communities of color books and writers.  Open to the public to meet once every month to discuss chapters in a book. Due to busy schedules, we’ll focus on one book for three months, providing time for readers to live and read. (Seasonal)

The Feminine Gardens Review – View a public portfolio of Timeless Tate’s work. Also, an online space to read reviews and watch conversations about books written by women and queer communities of color. 

The Spa Lounge Coming Soon! – a healing center for resting and relaxation, that provides rooms to rent for various leisure and healing practices. Please donate to make this community healing center possible. (Donation Info Coming Soon)

The Founder & Wellness Consultant – Timeless Tate

Born in Montgomery, Alabama, home of the Civil Rights Movement. As a teenager she enjoyed writing and public speaking, which flourished into her adulthood. She later graduated from Alabama State University with a B.A. in Communications.

During her collegiate study, she hit the ground running in social justice. In 2014 she become one of the founding members of AMPLIFIED, the first black LGBTQ+ student organization at Alabama State university, a major milestone for a HBCU (historically black college & university). Providing meetings, panel discussions, presentations, and events that focus on LGBTQ+ issues and education, that the entire campus can STILL attend.

 In 2015, she became the first intern at American Civil Liberties Union of Alabama, (ACLU) a civil rights law firm, being a Communications and Outreach intern, which now has an internship program for college students in Alabama.

In 2016, she become one of the founding members of the first LGBTQ+ community centers of Central Alabama, the center is called The Bayard Rustin Community Center & Montgomery Pride United, which currently throws the Montgomery Pride Parade every year and provides social services for all LGBTQ+ communities. 

After graduating college, she landed an internship in Washington DC working with URGE: Unite for Reproductive and Gender Equity. An organization that focus on women’s issues, abortion rights, sex education, and gender equity.  But, most phenomenally she worked and lived in DC during Barack Obama’s presidency, where she even saw Michelle once!  

In 2018, she continued on working towards reproductive health and justice, working at Planned Parenthood for three years in south Louisiana. Impacting the community with reproductive health services.

Currently, she is working with Youth Oasis during day, an organization that provides housing and resources for homeless, foster care, system involved youth. The first organization to house LGBTQ+ youth safely statewide. For two years she worked two jobs, at night she’ become an community educator for The Boys & Girls Club, teaching literacy to elementary children, enhancing their reading and writing skills. 

As a writer, she constantly working on new literature. She works with many LGBTQ+ and Women’s rights organizations in the Baton Rouge, New Orleans region, and across the nation.

After continuing her studies and obtaining her certification in Sleep Science Coaching and Stress Management from a Health & Wellness institution and university, she’s providing healing through better sleep and stress reduction.

Now she’s embarking on her own lane and creation…The Feminine Gardens, a peace sanctuary for leisure and wellness. Providing wellness services and advocating for women and LGBTQ+ comminutes to receive diverse forms therapeutic, spa, and mental health services.

Photo by lil artsy on Pexels.com